- To celebrate Christmas with us, we have sent everyone several free items that will last 14 days, including Christmas dagger, katana, greatsword, greatsword x2, kodachi, VIP chocolatebox, Limitbreaker and Limitbreaker X
- Special christmas effects if the room name includes the keyword "christmas": This includes visual stuff, as well as changes to rockets, FG grenades and EX grenades (does not affect stun, flash and smoke grenades)
- Several bug fixes
- It-Game: You now lose "It" on death
- Added /players command (tells you how many players are online and how many of them are playing)
- Added bullet sparks option (disabled per default) (Video -> [IV]) (Only works if bullet marks are enabled too)
- Decreased delay until smoke grenade pops
- Decreased stun radius of stun grenades by 25% (400 units -> 300 units)
- Added Zombie King II quest (Prison: Steak + Platinum Earring)

View forum post for full information and details.

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- Original (vanilla) SG spread is now the default
- Performance Improvements
- Bug fixes regarding Loadouts
- Fixed a common TDM bug where the game would not stop although nobody is ingame (so you no longer have to remake the room when it's a TDM to change map, mode, etc.)
- Faster auto team balance
- You can now see the exact crosshairs of other players (type 1-10, size, color) when spectating them (unless they are using a custom crosshair image) (If you don't like it, you can disable this feature at Options -> Video -> [ IV ])
- It/Bomb: Speed bonus if you are 'It' (10%) or have the bomb (depends on how much time is left until explosion (up to 20%)) (they stack)
- It/Bomb: If you type /bomb or /it and someone already has the bomb or is 'It', it will tell you who that is
- Shortened screenshot and replay messages
- /stafflist command is now /staff
- You can type /staff < message here > to send a message to all online staff members (Do not abuse this. Players that abuse this command to spam staff members will get punished.)

View forum post for full information and details.

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LOADOUTS16+18 SEP 2020

FGunZ UPDATE // 18 SEP 2020

- If you have the same item multiple times, the loadout will load the one with highest PVE damage
- Bug fix: Lvl 0 uncommon/rare/epic/legendary/mythical now deal higher damage than common items
- Bug fix: Loadouts update correctly when relogging (without you needing to restart the game)

FGunZ UPDATE // 16 SEP 2020

- Several crash fixes and bug fixes
- Added new feature: Loadouts (aka Presets). Every account gets 2 loadout slots for free, you can purchase up to 8 additional loadout slots at
- Added :aim: macro which you can use in chat to share your aim (accuracy) information
- Added 'None' as hitmarker option
- Damage counter can now be disabled via options (Options -> Video -> [ III ] -> Damage Information)
- Stun Grenades will no longer stun/damage your team mates

View forum post for full information and details.

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- Bug fixes (especially regarding Quests)

- Correct damage counter in Quests (which also works when you Solo)

- Quality-of-Life improvement: You now see the health of the NPC that you're currently fighting

- Ingame video recorder improvement: You can now record videos via the ingame recorder in 1:1 (Full Res) 30 FPS, 1:1 (Full Res) 60 FPS, 1:2 (Half Res) 30 FPS, 1:2 (Half Res) 60 FPS - with a size limit of: 200 MB, 400 MB, 600 MB or unlimited (Options -> Misc -> Video Recording Resolution / memory size limit)

- 25 Pellet Shotgun Spray Option (the damage of 12 pellets is split into 25 pellets): Write SG[number from 0-8 to determine the size of the spray] followed by an 'X' to enable it (e.g. SG0X) at the beginning of the room title

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- Some bug and crash fixes
- Added a new shotgun spray mod (SG1 - SG8) so you can play around with the different shotgun spreads/sizes and give us your feedback
- Spectators can now see weapon names
- Added Aim Information option which is enabled per default (you can toggle it at Options -> Video -> [III] -> Aim Info)
- HP/AP Mod now accepts values smaller than 100 (80 - 200)
- Added new Hitmarker effect as option (disabled per default), you can enable it at Options -> Video -> [III] -> Hitmarker
- The damage/poison effect of Smoke Grenades and the flash of Flashbangs should no longer affect you nor your team
- Replaced Ammo Regen skill in Survival with Sprint skill (press Shift to sprint)
- Increased Sniper clip (3 -> 4) and total bullets (21 -> 24)
- Added a red dot in the middle of the Sniper crosshair
- Added Sniper Scope Sensitivity option (Options -> Mouse -> Sniper Scope Sensitivity (Default: 0.50))
- Added Bouncy Oblivion room mod

View forum post for full information and details.

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